Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Jan 23, 14:47 EST
Update -
The new field mappings are now working, and we plan to backfill anything created during the downtime.
Jan 22, 13:13 EST
Update -
Salesforce and Pendo syncing are both now operational, but we are working on a fix for new Salesforce field mappings.
Jan 20, 10:31 EST
Update -
Scheduled salesforce syncs have resumed, Pendo syncs are still not operational
Jan 17, 23:56 EST
Update -
We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.
Jan 17, 16:20 EST
Identified -
Currently our scheduled Salesforce syncs and our Pendo syncs are not operational. For Salesforce, any updates that come through push topic events are still successful as are syncs of team member fields. We are investigating this and are looking to resolve shortly.
Jan 17, 16:20 EST